Apostol Felipe

30.9" length, 27.36" high and 12.2" wide, Scale 1/60




Now for a pretty galleon, this time a Spanish Occre model:





I call this the recovery ship as I had 3 surgeries during the making of it, plus we moved to a new house. Here I am in the hospital after my first hip surgery which was done wrong. 3 painful months later I had a reivision to correct all the mistakes.



Planking the decks:



The first layer of planking the hull, sanded and primed.


The second planking put on, along wtih the bumpers:




Making the rudder:


The kit came with thin brass doors which would look awful if placed as is. I gave them a black wash to highlight the etchings, put them on a thin piece of wood to give them depth and then surrounded them with rubber bands painted black for the molding. I think it worked!


Putting on the back decking:



I could not leave bare plywood. I planked it with wallnut to make it pretty.



Inner railings and hatches installed:



Top railing and ladders made:



Getting the chains ready for the rigging:




Cut the dowels for the masts:


Configuring the Bowsprirt:







Tying the ropes:


Shrouds and ratlines:


Making sense of the rigging:


Sewing the sails:






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